The Most Important VITAMIN for Preventing ACNE!

Dealing with acne isn’t just a teenage dilemma—it can be a concern at any stage of life. However, there’s good news for those seeking a clearer complexion….

What Causes Acne on the Jawline?

Acne occurs when hair follicles clog up. Numerous factors can contribute to acne on the jawline, including genetics, certain conditions, and some medications. You may be able…

9 things to try when acne won’t clear

Do you feel you’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your acne but still see blemishes? Don’t despair. To see clearer skin, you probably just…

How I permanently dealt with my tics

Background As a child, I had various uncontrollable behaviors and compulsive thoughts that I didn’t think much about. It was just part of who I was, so…