Surgeon shares the four foods that will ‘actively poison’ your body and you should ‘absolutely avoid’

We’re all aware by now that what you drink and eat play a key role in living a healthy life.

So it should come to no surprise that certain food and drink may actually be bad for you. When it comes to consuming those things, you should do so in moderation to minimize suffering from the potential long-term consequences that can impact your quality of your life.

If you’re in need of a reminder of what’s best to steer clear of, TikTok-famous cardiac surgeon Dr Jeremy London has identified the four things you should avoid in your diet. Again, no surprises here as they’re all pretty popular food and drinks that have become a large part of people’s day-to-day.

A hungover fast food order may be okay occasionally, right? (Getty Stock Photo)

A hungover fast food order may be okay occasionally, right? (Getty Stock Photo)

Fast food

This is a big no for Dr London, who said: “Most of what’s available in fast food chains is ‘edible food product’, it’s not even real food.”

Fast food options are cheap and tasty but they’re not exactly the foundation of a healthy and balanced diet. A late-night fast food craving is probably okay from time to time, but make sure you’re not indulging in that ultra-processed food on the regular.

Soft drinks are 'liquid death' for Dr London. (Getty Stock Photo)

Soft drinks are ‘liquid death’ for Dr London. (Getty Stock Photo)

Soft drinks

The drink of choice to go with fast food is fizzy drinks. But while you call them ‘soft drinks’, Dr London as a slightly different phrase to refer to them: ‘liquid death’.

Those drinks are normally sugar in a can, and/or contains some chemicals that have been linked to potential health risks.

This is a tough one. (Getty Stock Photo)

This is a tough one. (Getty Stock Photo)

Dairy products

This is one vegans have identified long ago, and Dr London confirmed cheese and milk products aren’t especially good for you, however delicious they may sound.

“We are the only mammals that drink milk outside of infancy and we drink it from a different species. Think about it,” he said.

While plant-based substitutes have become increasingly popular, it may be worth switching to those or at least try and scale down on your milk and cheese intake.

Maybe start with a sober October. (Getty Stock Photo)

Maybe start with a sober October. (Getty Stock Photo)


A real shocker here. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), alcohol is classified as a toxic, psychoactive, dependence-producing, and carcinogenic substance, and yet, most of us have it pretty regularly.

This literal poison has been normalised as a part of our social life, but Dr London warns it can be ‘absolutely toxic to every cell in our bodies’. He said that ‘even moderate or occasional use’ would end up being bad for you and advises to stop drinking altogether.

Sober October, anyone?

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