Stories That Prove Your Parents Aren’t Superheroes—But They’re Almost There

Our parents worked hard and made sacrifices to raise us as best as they could. Even though they don’t have real superpowers like comic book heroes, their kindness, love, and care make them real-life heroes. Today, we’re sharing stories about the loving things our parents did to keep us safe and happy.



The Story:
My dad never liked my husband. He thought I deserved someone better. On our wedding day, he looked worried and kept asking me, “Are you sure you want this? Are you sure he’s the one?” I told him, “One day, you’ll see his good side!” He nodded.

Last week, Dad had a stroke. When I told my husband, he was at work getting ready for an important meeting. He canceled it and rushed to be with me, making sure my family and I were supported.

Later, I went to my parents’ house to get some things for Dad in the hospital. When I opened his drawer, I was surprised to find many photos of my husband along with photos of our kids. I know Dad only kept the photos that really meant a lot to him. That showed me that, over the years, he had grown to like my husband, accept him, and even love him. I’m glad to say that Dad’s first instinct was wrong.

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