Is there a new type of lethal bug that punctures palms with numerous small holes?

The widespread online warnings about a “new killer insect” from India that allegedly causes severe injuries or death are unfounded and have been debunked as a hoax. These warnings describe a supposed deadly bug capable of inflicting significant harm through a virus that spreads quickly upon contact. However, investigations by several fact-checking organizations, including Snopes, That’s Nonsense, and Truth or Fiction, confirm that the depicted insect is actually a harmless giant water bug, and the graphic images of injuries are fabricated using special effects makeup.

These hoaxes, which first appeared around 2015, capitalize on the public’s fear of insects and utilize visually disturbing images to spread misinformation. The images often show hands with numerous holes, designed to create a sensation of fear and urgency. Despite their alarming nature, these stories are completely false, with the injuries shown in the photos being the work of amateur special effects rather than real incidents. For accurate information and debunking of such hoaxes, resources like Snopes, That’s Nonsense, and Truth or Fiction are valuable and reliable.

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