In 2010, 19-year-old Sam Ballard, a promising rugby player from Sydney, Australia, was enjoying a night with friends when they dared him to eat a slug that had crawled into their gathering. What seemed like a harmless act turned into a nightmare. The slug carried a parasite called rat lungworm, which entered Sam’s body and caused a severe infection.
Sam contracted eosinophilic meningoencephalitis, a dangerous form of meningitis, leading him to fall into a 420-day coma. When he awoke, he was paralyzed and could no longer function without constant care. The infection spread to his brain, leaving him permanently disabled. Despite receiving round-the-clock care from his family, Sam passed away in 2018 at the age of 29.
In an effort to educate others, YouTuber Zack D.Films created a simulation showing how the parasite spread through Sam’s body, eventually causing severe brain damage. This cautionary tale highlights the dangers of reckless dares that can have devastating consequences.
At Sam’s funeral, his brother Joshua reassured his friends that they should not feel guilty about what happened, offering comfort during such a heartbreaking moment.