Daughter sparks debate after asking father to pay $200k for destination wedding

The path to wedded bliss is often filled with love, but the costs associated with weddings can transform excitement into stress.




This was the dilemma faced by a father who shared his struggle on Reddit in the thread AITA (Am I The A*e). He had promised to cover his daughter’s wedding expenses, a typical parental gesture, but was taken aback by her extravagant plans.
The daughter’s ideal wedding wasn’t a simple local event; instead, she envisioned an extravagant destination wedding in New Zealand with 100 to 200 guests, costing a staggering $200,000. This revelation left the father torn between honoring his promise and his concerns about the display of wealth, which he described as “burning money” and feared would upset family members.
He expressed his dilemma, stating: “My wife thinks we should go ahead because we can afford it, but I see it as a waste. Now my daughter and wife aren’t speaking to me. Should I go through with it, risking family tensions to make my daughter’s dream wedding come true?”
Redditors quickly chimed in. One user argued: “If she can’t fund a destination wedding herself, she shouldn’t have one. Besides, the costs of flights and accommodations add up. Will you also cover these expenses? Her reaction shows she might not deserve it. Parents aren’t obligated to fund such extravagant events.”
Another Redditor suggested a compromise: “Offer a set amount you’re comfortable with and let her plan within that budget. Anything beyond that should be on her and her fiancé. If she wants a lavish wedding, she can pay for it herself.”
As of now, the father hasn’t provided updates, except that his daughter is upset and calling him a jerk. This situation highlights the tough balance between parental support and financial practicality.

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